
We hold various workshops and events throughout the year. Keep an eye on here, or follow us on Facebook or Instagram, to see what is coming up. 

Here are a few examples:

  • Gong Bath

  • Birds of Prey Event

  • Coffee Mornings

  • Afternoon Cream Teas

  • Tarot Weekend

Tarot with Suzan Simpson

I would like to explain a little of where I am coming from when I work with the Tarot cards. I do not use Tarot as a predictive tool, I use the cards to enhance my metaphysical teaching. I became a Doctor of Metaphysics years ago for the simple reason to understand more about the invisible world rather than the material world of illusion that the majority of human beings see as reality. When we understand everything as pure energy we begin to live life with a very different intention. We see how every thought affects our daily life and how the law of attraction works so perfectly on all levels. When choosing the cards, we automatically link with energy beyond ourselves and it can clearly show what the individual needs to address, in order to enhance strengths as opposed to weaknesses. A reading of this kind can open the door to a greater understanding of what the lessons are that can create change and enable the soul to grow with more awareness.

Get in touch for more information, or to book your place on one of our workshops.